Sinkholes in the Greater Lehigh Valley Area
For a lot, of us when we see a hole in the ground we think to ourselves, “Shoot, how did I end up on the golf course? Again?” But in Lehigh Valley, it is more than on the 18th where holes in the ground appear. Sinkholes are an unfortunately common occurrence. As a homeowner, it is paramount to your safety that you are able to recognize them and are able to seek professional help immediately. Sinkholes are among the leading causes of damages in the Lehigh Valley area.

GREEN = Sinkhole ORANGE = Depression
What are sinkholes?
According to the Pennsylvania Department of conservation and natural resources, sinkholes in PA happen when porous limestone starts to erode, creating openings in the bedrock. This opening is expanded over time until it starts to reach the surface. The pressure from the surface builds upon the opening, creating a depression. As time goes on this depression eventually gives, resulting in a collapse, or as it is commonly called a sinkhole.
As mentioned, the limestone in Pennsylvania, in particular, is especially susceptible to erosion which is why there is a prevalence of depressions and sinkholes. According to data, Pennsylvania is among the top 7 states for sinkholes. This is why, here at Cityline Construction, we specialize in sinkhole restoration and remediation. We understand the importance of a Lehigh Valley company being invested in Lehigh Valley issues.
Here are 5 signs that your property may be at risk:
- Slumping or leaning fence posts, trees on or near the property
- Previously-buried fence posts, foundations, trees, become exposed.
- Small rills or bare soil areas develop [soil particles being carried away to sinkhole]
- Cracks in the ground develop
- Sudden formation of small ponds on the property
If you see any amount of these signs or have concerns about your property, please contact Cityline for a consultation to determine if remediation action is immediately needed.